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Želimo podijeliti s Vama dio istarske kulinarske tradicije i mnoge ugodne i nezaboravne trenutke.


We wish to share with you part of the Istrian culinary traditions, as well as many pleasant and memorable moments.



Gsm:  098 900 8430



Mobile:  +38598 900 8430

"Čeprav smo se namenili v gostili zadržati le eno uro, je vzdušje bilo sila toplo in prijetno, zato se nam nikamor ni mudilo. Svoj izdatni delež k prijatnem vzdušju je dala tudi gostilničarka, ki nam je nosila na pokušino različite dobrote. Nekajkrat smo skušali "vstati in oditi", a ni in ni šlo. Tako smo namesto predvidene ene, v Mlinih preživeli več kot štiri ure.

Domov smo se vrnili malo pred polnočjo, polni vtisov, dobre volje in želodcev, z misijo, da bi takšen potep vsekakor morali ponoviti."

- Though we were planning  to stay for only one hour, the atmosphere was so warm and comfortable that we weren't in a hurry. Landlady contributed with abundant share of cozy atmosphere, by bringing various goodies for tasting. We attempted to "get up and go" a few times, but it was just unmanageable. So, instead of the intended one, we've spent more than four hours in Mlini. We returned home just before midnight, full of memories, good mood and full stomach, with a mission to definitely repeat this trip.

agroturizam Mlini
agroturizam Mlini

"Ujeta pod slikovitimi kamnitimi stenemi, dolinica ima neko magično privlačnost, pozitivno energijo, da vedno pritegne."

Trapped under picturesque rocky cliffs, this valley has a magical attraction, positive energy that attracts at all times.


"È un paesino che sembra uscito dalle pagine di un libro illustrato delle piu belle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm. Quelle popolate dagli gnomi e dalle fate, che da bambini ci lasciavano a bocca aperta ogniqualvolta ce le leggevano. Una favola incantata dell'Istria quasi ai confini della realta."

- It is a village that seems as it came straight out of a page from an illustrated book of the most beautiful fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. Those inhabited by gnomes and fairies, that as children left us in awe whenever we read them. A magical Istrian fairy tale, almost on the border of reality.

"Uno degli agriturismi più particolari del Pinguentino e forse anche dell'Istria intera."

- One of the most distinctive agritourisms of Buzet and perhaps even of whole Istria.

"A violare il silenzio è soltanto il rilassante gorgoglio dei rivoli d'acqua limpida, ciascuno dei quali, dopo aver dato un'altra spinta alla ruota, continua a seguire la sua strada verso valle, gorgheggiando attraverso un'infinità di minute cascatelle."

- To break the silence there is only the calming gurgle of the rivulets of clear water, each of which, after giving another boost to the wheel, continues to follow its way downstream, warbling through an infinity of tiny waterfalls. 

agroturizam Mlini
Istria culinary tradition

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